Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Chris, Brennan, Adam and Lachie - Film with an Enviro message!

We are now looking at Presenting/ Performing work with an Environmental message. In this case the Debate about whether we should 'Ban the Cats' is a hot topic! Check out what the boys think.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Zombie Apocolypse - Myths/ Legends P.Arts Film by Hadyn, Ryan and William

Voodoo - Stories from the past - Rach, Helena, Sophie and Emma

Myths/ Legends....Stories from the Past.

Groups have been doing filmed or live performances of their chosen myth or story from the past. All films that have been posted on the P.Arts blog are the efforts of the students. All stages in the process have been completed as part of student Inquiry.
Eg. Planning or Scripting, Stage Craft, Staging and then Performing or Filming.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Performing Arts - What does it look like?

It is expression, inquiry, observation, spontaneity, interpretation, organising, creating,
composing, rehearsing, re-working, re-enacting, re-inventing, learning and communicating through drama, music and dance.